
Life after Sixth Form

Whether you attend a Sixth Form or a College, this is the time to prepare for the transition into higher education or the world of work. We support all students whatever path they want to take, with expert careers advice and UCAS support.

Yarm Sixth Form takes a holistic approach, helping students develop a clear understanding of themselves, their attributes and inclinations. With effective information, advice and guidance, students make informed choices that positively impact their future.

University: UCAS applications and personal statements

We understand what it takes for students to make it into the university of their choice. Our students consistently secure places to read at the country’s top institutions; around 10% take up places at Oxford and Cambridge.

As well as supporting their outstanding academic success, our tutors, pastoral staff and careers experts guide Sixth Form students through the UCAS application process and support them in their decision making.

We organise ‘mock’ careers interviews with local business persons and/or university lecturers. Our mock interviews help students to write outstanding and unique personal statements. Students are encouraged to seek work experience and immerse themselves in extra-curricular opportunities.

Our biennial Career Convention is open to all pupils from the Fourth Year to the Sixth Form. It regularly attracts a diverse range of providers from leading universities from around the region and gives pupils the chance to meet with former pupils to discuss their journey through higher education. The event offers students the chance to network with universities and like-minded individuals and deepens their knowledge and understanding of the different university courses available.

World of work: Careers information and work experience

Whether students want to step into the world of work immediately after Sixth Form or proceeding their university degree, we aim to provide them with the knowledge and experience needed to succeed.

Whilst not offering a formal ‘work experience’ programme, Yarm encourages its students to research relevant and appropriate placements that will provide valuable exposure, experience and insight into possible career pathways.

Local business persons come into the School to hold mock interviews with our Sixth Form students. Our mock interviews introduce students to interview-style questions, as well as what employers expect from them. They also point students in the right direction as to what extracurricular activities they should be engaged in and what work experience they should be obtaining. Furthermore, our interviews help students establish valuable business relationships.

We keep Sixth Form students up to date with information on opportunities and advice relating to gap years. We also inform them on higher level apprenticeships, summer placement schemes, and a range of others careers-related events and courses.

Our Career Convention extends to representatives from industry and GAP year providers, allowing students to build relationships with businesses and people in their desired industry. There are also regular Career Forums which bring together former pupils and parents to form a ‘careers cluster’ which offer students insight into the world of work.

Whether students want to step into the workplace or continue their education at university, Yarm Sixth Form aims to support them through the process from start to finish. If you’re interested in the support available at Yarm Sixth Form, start by watching our Virtual Open Morning.

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Sixth Form Open Evening Join us on Thursday 14th November at 6pm to find out why Yarm is the area's leading Sixth Form.

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